Monday, July 31, 2017

How to Achieve Your Dreams without Money

Do you believe that you can achieve anything you want? If not why and if yes how?

You came into this world with nothing and you shall leave with nothing. This means at the point of birth you own nothing earned via you own sweat. This is true to any other persons of your generation. This makes us equal at birth.

God designed life in such a way that we start with nothing and grow into something valuable, useful, important and helpful to the universe.

This means you came into this world fully loaded to thrive with the help of the universe. The universe shall help you thrive if you are positive, and friendly to it. If you have a negative view on life and unfriendly to the universe, you shall suffer in this life.

At 50 years old, some in your generation shall be rich, while, others will be living in poverty. How can this happening be explained? It can be explained via dreams. What is your dream my friend?

You need to have at least three dreams. These three dreams must be in three crucial areas of your life.

a) Health

b) Financial

c) Relationships

You need all three to lead a fulfilling live.

The purpose of this article is to teach you how to achieve your dreams. Here are eight points on how to achieve your dreams without money.

1. You don’t need a university education to be successful

A degree is very much helpful but you don’t need one to achieve your dreams. Your degree, the most important one, is in built. You were born with it. It comes in form of a gift. It’s a gift God gave you. It’s a talent. And every one of us has her or his talent.

Work hard to discover your gift and develop it to the maximum. You will be happy, the universe shall be happy, and God shall bless you abundantly for make using of that seed He put in you.

You don’ need no money to utilize your God given talent. You just need to discover it and put it to positive use.


Les Brown - a massively successful motivational speaker from USA

Les Brown was born in an abandoned building in Liberty city, a low-income area of Miami, Florida. He was given up for adoption. He was adopted by a poor single mother who worked as a domestic assistant. This means he lived in poverty in his childhood.

Les Brown was declared educable retarded while in primary school. With all the challenges this declaration brought in his life, Les Brown is a billionaire motivational speaker today. He is one of the most talented speakers on this plant. He has no university degree. His website is

Les Brown

Regardless of your talent, I recommend you advance your education. Education and talent combined leads to massive success.

2. Set your life goals

You need to have a target to aim at. How can you hit a target you don’t have. You need to have goals in order to realize your dreams. The universe is not kind to people who don’t have goals in life. Without goals you don’t have dreams. Without dreams you shall have a hopeless life.

3. Money is helpful but you don’t need it to achieve your dreams

The universe is kind to positive minded people, especially those who have discovered their gift from God. The universe has given you many free things. These free things are in your environment but sometimes you don’t see them. Some of these free things are;

a) air

b) Family and friends

c) roads and paths to walk on

d) herbs to treat ordinary diseases, e.g. the lemon peel

e) money from well-wishers, grants, NGOs, churches

f) Education from government, public libraries, YouTube, and Google

g) Etc

How to find a job easily-volunteer

If you want to learn how to cook, go to a hotel and offer to help in the kitchen. They won’t pay you but they will give you food. After a few weeks they will start paying your bus fare to and from work.

After a few months they might decide to employ you because you’ve become an excellent cook. You have trained on the job as a volunteer. It cost you no money.

Most business owners can do with free labor in exchange for learning a trade of your choice. That is what Les Brown did to become a Disc Jokey.

Never say you have no experience because it’s a lame and lazy excuse. Why don’t you volunteer in order to gain job experience?

Volunteering is a nice way to warm your way into successful people hearts. To achieve your dreams, you need to be around successful people, e.g., business owners.

4. Dream your dreams till they mature

If you can’t dream it you can’t have it. It’s as simple as that.

Your success starts in your mind. Your subconscious mind can deliver any thing you dream about. It’s your mind that is keeping you in the poverty zone. You need to affirm your success daily. You need affirmations of your own.

Sing to yourself every day that you are healthy. Say every day that you shall have the money you need to become financially secure. Say you are rich.

Let your subconscious mind register these believes and it shall start working to bring these things to reality.

Its all in the mind – money, good health, wealth, car, and house, everything you ever wanted is achievable. Just dream it.

5. Believe in yourself to achieve your dreams

If you believe you can then you will achieve it. If you believe you can then you start working on it. When you believe it, nothing can stop you. Dream big, and let your mind bring it to reality. The universe shall help you achieve your dreams, once your determination and dedication is visible to those around you.

6. Visualize it

Have a picture of that thing you want in your mind. If it is a car, have a picture in your mind and on the wall. Visualize it long before you have the money to acquire it. Visualization prepares the mind to control your body to carry out the dream. It prompts your body to act.

If your can see it, you can dream it and your mind shall force the body to work on it. And the universe by the Law of Attraction shall help attract it. You then acquire it.

7. To achieve your dreams be held accountable

You need to talk to someone you trust about you dreams for accountability purpose. Tell it to a close friend. Let him or her hold you accountable. The more you tell you, the more you start believing in it. After you tell, you must do it because you want to prove you can.

8. Have an action plan on how to achieve your dreams

You must have a well thought out plan. Take small steps on a daily basis towards achieving your dreams. We normally get what we plan for.

A good plan will produce a suitable working strategy.

How to achieve your dreams without money was our topic today.

Come back for more soon.

Hear from Les Brown on YouTube. You will be amazed

Thanks for your visit

Steve Wanjie

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