Monday, April 20, 2009

community education: HOW TO LIVE WITH BULIMIA.

Did you know that Bulimia is a common eating disorder mostly affecting adolescent girls and young women obsessed with keeping slim just to look like the super model on a magazine cover?

Bulima Nervosa is a psychological condition that is controllable if you are willing to overcome it.

Bulima tells you to abstain from food to loose weight. Your body was not made to abstain from food, it simply can’t stand starvation.
Here are things that can help you live with Bulimia:

1. Seek treatment the sooner-professional help.
Bulima is a psychological condition. To overcome this eating disorder, you need treatment for psychological problems associated with it. Some of the good things about going for treatment are;

a) You will start regaining your mind’s health.
b) You will begin to enjoy happier days due to the onset of a happier body.
c) A healthier mind will lead to higher self esteem, resulting to higher levels of self image.
d) Treatment helps you stop food and money wastage, thus a sense of accomplishment dons on you as a result, feelings of self- love rejuvenate your heart making it stronger.
e) Treatment brings positive feelings of strength and power.

2. Stick, follow, obey, and practice all the instructions given to you by your doctors.
3. Learn how to find a distraction every time you feel like purging, you can go for a walk, join an exercise class, call a friend or go dancing.
4. Eliminate “purge – y” food from your house to avoid temptation.
5. Join food addicts anonymous to be helped and to help others. Get emotional support.
6. Eat right:
- A balance diet eaten at the appropriate time is good for your stomach, heart, teeth and brain. Eating right doesn’t give you Bulimia hangover. If possible always eat in the company of friends or family.
- Get a nutritionist to help you build a healthy diet.

7. Talk about your Bulimia condition. Don’t keep your disorder a secret. Get it in the open and gradually you will overcome feelings of sadness, self hatred, self pity guilty and shame.
8. Find something useful to occupy your time. Become creative to stop wasting your time and energy doing nothing. Be active and you will stay away from food. Work is good, it keeps you busy.
9. Learn all you can about Bulimia. Read “Overcoming Bulimia: Your Comprehensive, step-by-step Guide to Recovery”.
10. Counseling will always be helpful to you. Therefore never miss your counselor’s appointment.
11. Remember, you can live with Bulimia if you are willing to put in the required work and discipline for successful outcomes.

I wish you all the success.
