Monday, November 2, 2009

African Bead necklace Project-Poverty Afflicted Slum Women Crying for Help.

A group of poverty stricken women in Kayole’s Soweto Slums, Nairobi, Kenya have
come together and formed a women group with a simple goal, “check dehumanizing poverty” that has afflicted them and their families’ since the dawn of time. They were born into poverty, brought, raised and lived in poverty all their lives. Their children have also fallen victims to the same poverty cycle which is very difficulty to get out off due to lack of education, employment opportunity and trade craft training. Therefore these women have decided to fight back and are appealing for your help in their battle against poverty.
Suffering Single Parents:
Majority of these women are single parents with out any meaningful sources of income because they never had an opportunity to acquire proper and useful education that would help them find employment. They can’t find self-employment either because they have no access to credit facilities due to lack of loan security documents. They live in a world neglected by the government and the rest of the world because nobody cares enough to highlight their plight. Yet they are undergoing immense suffering day in day out.
WINCEP Wants To Reach Out:
That’s why Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme, (WINCEP), a local Self Help Organization, is reaching out to these women who happen to be parents in our needy slum children school, Wisdom Nest Primary, and helping them generate income for themselves and families. WINCEP has no capacity to meet this challenge on its own. We need your support and partnership in helping these women and families fight poverty for the benefit of their children’s future and the community.

The Project is Environment Friendly:
The women have come up with a unique environment friendly project, African Beads Necklace Project, which uses expired calendar paper to produce hand made beads. They then use these beads to make beautiful necklaces and earrings of different designs, sizes and colors. Since the project is recycling used calendar paper we can safely say that these women are helping clean up the environment.
Employments Creation:
Apart from generating income, the project will continue to train and create employment for slum young women as bead makers. Then bead making skills shall be passed on to more slum dwellers. Some trainees’ will find work here while others will self-employ after they acquire the skills.

Profits Sharing:
Profits from this project will be shared between the Project, Women group and Wisdom Nest Primary School. This Project helps woman generate income for herself and her family while her child gets education at Wisdom Nest Primary School courtesy of this project.

How you can help this Women Group, Children and School:

a) Buy Necklace;
Buying a necklace or earring will help this project grow. Buying will ensure a needy slum child remains in school. Buying will feed a slum child and her family. If you buy you will b helping create employment for jobless hungry slum dwellers. When you buy you will be helping fight poverty in an African slum. Buy beautiful African bead necklace or earrings for your loved ones.

The small necklace is selling at $5 per piece, medium at $6 and the large one at $7.
Shipping will cost you $5 a piece. We shall ship your order immediately we receive funds from you. Depending on your location delivery may take up to two months.


No Risk Involved:
If you don’t like it we guarantee to return your purchase price or take a new one in exchange of the one you reject. We can not con you because we are a school and we can’t hide nor can a school run. You can find Wisdom Nest Primary School on
All the schools on that site have been satisfied to be genuine by UK government’s British Council. So you are save with us.

b) Help Market;
Out of good will you can volunteer to market our bead products in order to help disadvantaged slum women, children and a school. Help us find a market for our African Bead Necklaces.

c) Buy or Donate:
• Buy now and change a life;
These are beautiful African bead necklace and earrings and can last for many years.

• Donate Now and make a difference in some ones life for ever;
Funds are needed to keep this project going. You can choose to give a donation of any amount. Like any other project, investment and working capital are needed. Your donation will bring a smile on a disadvantaged slum woman and her child.

Monday, April 20, 2009

community education: HOW TO LIVE WITH BULIMIA.

Did you know that Bulimia is a common eating disorder mostly affecting adolescent girls and young women obsessed with keeping slim just to look like the super model on a magazine cover?

Bulima Nervosa is a psychological condition that is controllable if you are willing to overcome it.

Bulima tells you to abstain from food to loose weight. Your body was not made to abstain from food, it simply can’t stand starvation.
Here are things that can help you live with Bulimia:

1. Seek treatment the sooner-professional help.
Bulima is a psychological condition. To overcome this eating disorder, you need treatment for psychological problems associated with it. Some of the good things about going for treatment are;

a) You will start regaining your mind’s health.
b) You will begin to enjoy happier days due to the onset of a happier body.
c) A healthier mind will lead to higher self esteem, resulting to higher levels of self image.
d) Treatment helps you stop food and money wastage, thus a sense of accomplishment dons on you as a result, feelings of self- love rejuvenate your heart making it stronger.
e) Treatment brings positive feelings of strength and power.

2. Stick, follow, obey, and practice all the instructions given to you by your doctors.
3. Learn how to find a distraction every time you feel like purging, you can go for a walk, join an exercise class, call a friend or go dancing.
4. Eliminate “purge – y” food from your house to avoid temptation.
5. Join food addicts anonymous to be helped and to help others. Get emotional support.
6. Eat right:
- A balance diet eaten at the appropriate time is good for your stomach, heart, teeth and brain. Eating right doesn’t give you Bulimia hangover. If possible always eat in the company of friends or family.
- Get a nutritionist to help you build a healthy diet.

7. Talk about your Bulimia condition. Don’t keep your disorder a secret. Get it in the open and gradually you will overcome feelings of sadness, self hatred, self pity guilty and shame.
8. Find something useful to occupy your time. Become creative to stop wasting your time and energy doing nothing. Be active and you will stay away from food. Work is good, it keeps you busy.
9. Learn all you can about Bulimia. Read “Overcoming Bulimia: Your Comprehensive, step-by-step Guide to Recovery”.
10. Counseling will always be helpful to you. Therefore never miss your counselor’s appointment.
11. Remember, you can live with Bulimia if you are willing to put in the required work and discipline for successful outcomes.

I wish you all the success.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


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What is quality education?

Quality Education is defined by five key dimensions;

a) What learners bring, b)environments, C)content, D)processes and d)outcomes.

Quality education is holistic and a prerequisite for sustainable development.


In slum villages like Soweto, quality education remains a pipe dream. Close to 60% of children here don’t receive quality education due to discrimination by politicians and policy makers.

Soweto Slum Villages are in Nairobi’s Kayole Estate, where WISDOM NEST COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAMME, (WINCEP), is located.

WINCEP is an initiative to promote quality education and inclusion. It intends to launch a SCHOOLS TWINNING PROGRAM to promote quality education and inclusion of Soweto Slum Villages children.


Our goal is to twin slum schools with schools from the West e.g. America, Europe, Australia. and Asia, e.t.c.


The benefits to be gained for participating schools include;

1. Professional development for staff.
2. Opportunities for school improvement.
3. International link enhances the curriculum across the board.
4. The learning experience of a cultural exchange of information on respective countries. Learning at a personal level about a different culture.
5. Penpal scheme. The opportunity to form long-lasting friendships via airmail and internet.
6. A source of sponsorship to fund educational projects.
7. Help build morale in the devastated schools.
8. The opportunity for schools to obtain or exchange equipment, books, clothing, shoes and other gifts.
9. The opportunity for exposure working teaching methods, aids and languages.


Can you help in anyway?

Please contact Steve, E-mail:

Thanks for your visit.


Saturday, March 14, 2009



Want to help children living under dehumanizing poverty conditions in Soweto Slum villages go to school?

Wisdom Nest Primary School, which is a project of Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme (WINCEP), is a slum village based school for needy children, among them orphans, children rescued from child labour, children from poverty stricken households, children affected by HIV/Aids and the needy girl child, is looking for twinning opportunities.

The school which is a non- formal education centre, wants to twin with a school in the west, America, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Australia , Asia and Africa.

Twinning will help our children find pen-pals, swap letters and pictures with pen-pals, establish living contacts with children outside their country, and cultural exchange opportunities.
Can you help us find a twin?

Children from the west can help through collecting out-grown uniforms and used reading books, pens, pencils and visual aids to send out to a slum school in African - Wisdom Nest primary school.

Wisdom Nest Children will bring photos, stories from Africa, videos of schools and school children in slums. We are planning to add more slum schools in the program.


- Collect out-grown school uniforms and send them out to Soweto Slum villages.
- Fundraise to provide for school building equipment or teachers salaries.
- Encourage and facilitate relationship and friends via pen pals.
- Have a working holiday in Africa to help teach children – teach staff- help build , equip and improve the school , and go on Kenya Safari !
- Donate computers, books, clothes, sanitary pads, and shoes.
- Became a foster parent.
- Help with our school twinning effort or come up with your own (help) option.



Kenya is hungry, very hungry indeed. Hunger has pushed slum village dwellers beyond desperation.

After selling the last of their possessions, some parents have resulted to disposing of their only remaining assets, their children.
It is very sad, but it is true. Take for example, a 20 year old Hilda Shilzi. She is looking for a buyer who can pay Kshs 120,000 for her two year old daughter Sharon Achieng. Her reasoning: “it is better to sell the baby to someone who is willing to raise her than to see Sharon living the way we are because we have no future”, Hilda says.

Hilda is an orphan, jobless and hungry. She has no means to feed her daughter and things seem to be getting worse. The biting famine and cash crunch is pushing over ten million Kenyans to the brink of death.
Sadly Hilda is not alone, police are uncovering more cases similar to Her’s in slums and upcountry. my cry: stop food wastages.
. (Daily Nations, January 21, 2009).


TOPIC: physical romance is not okay…
Physical romances includes, kissing, mouth to sex organ, touching e.t.c.

Physical romance is like playing with fire. It can easily get out of control and when it does people get burned.
Remember HIV/Aids, heart break, Stds, unwanted pregnancies and death!
…don’t let anybody touch you…its suicidal.

“Small beginnings have infinite possibilities.”


That, “If you do not know where you are going, any road will lead you there.” …i.e. nowhere...
Have a vision and you shall accomplish something useful to humanity, after all, every one of us has an in born talent- develop it.


“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Safaricom is now a people’s pride, a natural crowd favorite, the jewel of 35 million ordinary Kenyans, and a competitor’s nightmare.

The company is fast becoming not only the best and most loved coporate entity in Kenya today, but a community daring around the Kenya country side.

Safaricoms winning slogan “the better option", has given birth to a new one that is resonating very well with the community; Safaricom - "for a better life".

Safaricom, the leading, award winning, and records breaking mobile phone operator, has managed to stay in tune with the needs of its customers and those of the community within which it operates.

safaricom award winning commitment towards community investment and innovative products (Services) such as M-Pesa have left the Kenya public fascinated, captivated, and delighted, with everything Safaricom.

The company has a Knack of getting it right the first time out. Take for example, M-Pesa.

What is M-Pesa ?

M-Pesa is a new safaricom service providing a fast safe and affordable way to transfer money using your mobile phone.

Safaricom was the first company worldwide to offer this service.

Kenya was the first country in the world to use this service, which is offered in partnership with Vodafone.

M-Pesa is a people friendly, easy to use, money transfer SERVICE, AVAIALBLE to
EVERYONE, EVEN IN SLUMS, M-Pesa is available.

In the coming weeks I will be telling you more about safaricom foundation and how the foundation is for a better life.

We see a lot of wisdom in everything safaricom does. Safaricom is indeed a wisdom driven company, that is why they are runaway winners.

Kudos SAfaricom.

Thanks for your commitment to community well being, keep it up.


Visit www. to learn how t o start your own business online.


Thanks for your visit and time.


Friday, February 13, 2009


Wisdom Nest community education programme, WINCEP, runs a community school project known as Wisdom Nest Primary school, which is the centre of the Bahati Zone community.

Wisdom Nest Primary School is sensitive to the needs of the community and in co-operation with the parents, we have planned a program that is making the best use of all available community resources.

This environment has stimulated pupils to engage in many activities through participating in planning, executing and evaluating their work they have learnt to think and use the facts and tools of learning. They find this school a vital place in which it is good to live.

We at Wincep, believe that the people are responsible for the school, that the quality of education in our community is in direct proportion to the informed, intelligent and active support of our school by the people of our community. It is a conscious purpose to encourage and to crystallize community support

Wisdom Nest Primary School, a non-formal education centre, exists for the purpose of organized education in a slum village setting. We are striving to serve the developmental needs of our Bahati zone community.

Currently we are offering Baby class, Nursery, pre-unit and primary level education, based on the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Curriculum.

This year, our class eight pupils will be sitting for our forth participation in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E), National Examination.
Visit for more on the school.

A weekly bite on food issue....

Did you know that hunger and love are a no mix elements?

No romance without food.
A 66 year old man from Kenya’s Mandera east District was abandoned by one of his wife’s as hunger bites in the drought prone North Eastern Province.

Mr Abdi Noor Ahmed of Fikow Sub-location a pastoralist, said several days of sleeping hungry were more than enough to force the mother of his four children to call it quits

Due to famine, the old man is unable to provide for the family. Mr Abdi is destitute after his cattle, which was the family sauce of income died.

They are now surviving on food hand-outs. My cry “Stop Food Wastage”.

Topic; Sex is not love …..

Sex excites, like wine brewed in an African pot, sex is passion and romance. But passion and romance are just not enough to amount to the tenderness, delight and captivation of love, true love.

The two elements that make a sexual relationship safe are real friendship and real commitment.
Sex is like a river, a river can bring life to a village, but in flood, it can destroy the same village.


Business thrives a lot on personal or professional networks- networks help in acquiring of new clients- social networking is also cool for business.

Happiness is a matter of spirit, not a place. (Psalms 9:2)

That the ANT displays the following three characteristics?

1). INITIATIVE: The ANT needs no ruler to tell it to work.

2). INDUSTRY: The ANT works hard preparing food for the future.

3). INTEGRITY: The ANT does not labour for money or self gain.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Did you know that lack of education perpetuates poverty, and poverty constraints access to schooling?

Kenya falling short: Soweto slum villages, kayole estate, Nairobi, Kenya.

a) Widespread poverty in Slum Villages and informal settlement affects both student’s performance and their ability to attend school.

b) The effects of poverty is such that poor children face a lot of adversity, it is near impossible for a significant number of them to afford school uniform or materials such as notebooks and pencils.

Education and Exclusion in Soweto Slum Villages:

a) Despite the introduction of free primary education in 2003 by the Kenya Government, a significant number of children in Soweto Slum Villages are still unable to realize their right to education due to inadequate number of schools, learning materials, overcrowding and insufficient teaching staff.

b) Although 2.4 million children joined primary school with the introduction of free primary education, about 1.6 million remain excluded. Majority of the excluded come from such places like Soweto Slum Villages.

c) A significant number of these children live in Kenya’s slum Village where almost no public schools have been built for the past 15 years, Soweto Slum Village have no public primary schools. Period.

d) It is estimated that up to 48% of school age children are out of school in slum villages and informal settlements.

Since public investment in basic education remains unacceptably low and non-existence in majority of the slums and informal settlement areas, what happens to slum villages children need of education?

Non-public schools play a critical role in providing basic education services, particularly in slums and informal settlements.

Without public investment in basic education in Slum Villages, non-public schools step in to fill the gap but these schools lack adequate finances to invest in infrastructure and learning materials.

Non-public schools suffer from the same poverty that continues to ravage slum communities. Poverty affects the quality of education offered by non-public schools in slum villages and without government intervention, these slum based schools will continue to suffer from financial deficiency and thus compromising a child right to quality basic education.

Non-public schools in slums are friendly to their pupils, don’t ask for school uniforms, they are easy to enroll and are located in the slums, a familia environment.

Despite the hardships, non-public schools have realized successes and are very useful to slum villages education system.

For more information visit :

End of article no. 3 of 4 on Soweto Slum Villages. Watch out for article no. 4 next week.

ARTICLE SOURCE : Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme (WINCEP):

Read interesting stuff below. These extras shall come on a weekly basis.


Sex is one of the most powerful, beautiful gifts God has given us.

Sex is about relationship and discovery, trust and pleasure, values and decisions.

Sex is Life.

a) Sex and sexual attraction are God’s invention.

b) Sex is designed to happen between married people. Making love celebrates the commitment of marriage. It is the cherry on the cake, not the cake itself.

c) Sex is about becoming one in body, but also on in soul.

Sex is more than skin on skin. Its heart joining heart.

Sex is an emotional and spiritual glue designed by God to bind a man and woman together for life.

d) Therefore, Sex is meant to be shame-free. Sex should bring joy and peace, not fear and shame.


Success in business lies in knowing when to invest.

­ Taking a loan or using your savings to invest in business is not bad.
However, you must know when to invest to make the best returns and, when to wait and / or borrow in order to do so.

For better management of your business, it is not advisable to secure more than one Loan at a time.


A weekly bite on food concerns.

Topic : Hungry, Sickly and Penniless:-

This is January 2009. Ten Million Kenya ***** Kenyans are hungry and severely malnourished.

Welcome to Kiambiti Location in Maragua district, a forgotten rural Kenya, where women and children have long continued to suffer in times of calamities.

Children are to weak to walk, thus no going to school and are dying of starvation. Even the dogs cannot bark at strangers because of hunger.

The rains have failed and there is no money. People hare depend on agriculture. Chicken pens are empty and the few goats and sheep that they had have since be sold.

Children faces are white and the clothes are tattered and stained as house flies are doing rounds around their mouths and running noses.

Amidst this biting hunger and poverty, high ranking politicians and civil servants continue to enrich themselves with stolen tax payers money.

President Kibaki has declared famine is a National Disaster.

My Cry: Stop Food Wastage.

Priceless Wisdom:

“ What is bought is cheaper than a gift. ”
-------Portuguese Proverb.--------


That Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.

That Snow-Capped Kibo, is the highest peak on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

That Mt. Kilimanjaro is over 19,000 meters above sea level.

That Mawenzi Peak is often free of ice glaciers.

That Mt. Kilimanjaro was a part of Kenya before the arrival of Europeans.


Every woman is beautiful in her own special way.

Beautiful flowers come in different colours, shapes, sizes, scent and demeanor, just like women.

Without women, the would be a very unhappy ugly and boring place. They are highly intelligent and influential but I still think that Man is happier than Woman.

Over 40 reasons available. You will get one reason every week, please keep in touch.
Reason no. 2;

The garage is all ours.

……………………. Debate ………………………..


“ For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20.


• Donate books, computers, clothes, shoes, sanitary pads, school equipments, teaching material and related stuff.

• Become a foster parent.

• Provide scholarship to needy children.

• Help build a slum school for needy children, orphans and children rescued from child labor.

• Proceeds in aid of charity work setting up and running WISDOM NEST PRIMARY SCHOOL – a project of Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme – (WINCEP).

Any enquiries ring Susan +254 722 814 081 or e-mail:

-------- Wincep : Registered charity no. 12015.

Thanks for your visit and time.

See your next time.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Soweto Slum village. Why do the poor love, love slum life so much?
Have you ever wondered why poor people would choose to live in dehumanizing poverty conditions?
A place where there is no running water, sewer line, sanitary facility, hospital, public school, market, paved road, street lighting, children public playground nor no garbage collection services.
There are other slum villages in Nairobi, apart from the high profile, Kibera slum villages, the largest and most famous, one million plus people, sub-sahara’s jewel crown in poverty and slum tourism, cry baby. They of the flying toilet infamy.
Do we fly toilets in Soweto?
No we do not, but our raw sewage runs down our streets.
Welcome to Soweto slum village, in Kayole Estate of Nairobi Kenya. A tale of magnetic hospitality in a humbling experience of neglected, in an era of soaring cost of living and age long decay in untold poverty.
In my first article on Soweto, I told you that the Origin of the name SOWETO is South Africa. Soweto is an acronym of South Western Town of South Africa during the apartheid era, widely known today as Soweto township.
Soweto slum village communities lack all the amenities mentioned above, and yet, the slum is alive, thriving in poverty and growing rapidly. Soweto Slums Landlords have an official right to land ownership because it is a resettlement scheme for squatters started by the government of Kenya in the eighties.
With a population of around one hundred thousand people, the slum village is divided into eight villages otherwise know locally as zones. Namely , the eight zones are, Muthaiga ,Central, Shauri yako, Bahati, Mworoto, Kibarage, Gitau and patanisho.
Each of the eight zones are composed of squatter communities resettle by the victims of the infamous land crashes in the right valley. Most of them came with virtually nothing in their possession. They are extremely poor and illiterate due to poverty.
Muthaiga, Central and Shauri Yako zones communities came from government land belonging to Embakasi Army Barracks, where they were squatters. These communities founded Soweto slums. They formed the Original group of airport construction labourers way back in 1976.
Mworoto zone is made up of people formerly living at Nairobi city centers Mworoto shanty town. They were resettled here after the government evicted them.
Kibarage zone is occupied by people evicted from westlands division of Nairobi Known as Kibarage.
Bahati, Gitau & Patanisho zones are occupied by people from rift valley province. Majority being victims of the famous land crashes in the nineties.
The standard size of a Soweto plot is ( 25x70) feet.
These plots were distributed one to every resettled squatter in between 1998 in the late nineties. The new landlords were and still are very poor. They put up (10x10) square feet tin huts for rent. Some plots are idle because the owners can’t develop them due to poverty.
In a single plot, the landlord puts up 13 cubicles of ten square feet each. Each cubicle (hut) accommodates a family of seven excluding visiting relatives. The landlord asks for ten USA dollars monthly which to a slum village dweller is exhorbitant, but this is the cheapest accommodation available anywhere.
The poor love slum life because its cheap compared to other urban places. Everything is broken (divided) into small bits e.g instead of buying one kilogram of sugar, a slum village dweller will purchase one eighth or a quarter of a kilogram.
Since the local government doesn’t provide any services here, a slum village dweller lives his life without worrying about services rendered fees.
There are no bills to pay because there are no electricity, water or garbage collection services to pay for.
End of article 2 on Soweto slum village. Watch out for article no. 3 of the same next week.
Article source: Wisdom Nest community education programme (WINCEP): Read interesting stuff below. These extras will come on a weekly basis.
A weekly bite on food concerns.
Topic: Hunger amidst big food wastage:
People a cross the globe are senselessly throwing away tones of food while millions of others go hungry.
Solid food wastes include:
Fruit, whole chicken, Bread, morning cereals, expired tinned food stuffs, meat, fish, salads e.t.c.
Immoral statistics:
The British throw away 3.6 million tones of food each year, says a Uk study by Liz Goodwin, C.E.O, WRAP.
This is equivalent to one trillion Kenya shillings thrown to land fills every year.
According to Plan International, millions of people need emergency food aid due to food shortages. Every country is guilty of this offense- food wastage.
My cry: Stop Food Wastage.
A hug is a great gift- one size fits all, and it’s easy to exchange…Anon….
Every woman is beautiful in her own special way.
Beautiful flowers come in different colors, shapes sizes, scent and demeanor just like women. Without women, the world would be a very unhappy, ugly and boring place. Women are highly intelligent and influential but I still think that man is happier than woman.
You will get one reason per week, please keep in touch. Over 40 reasons available.
Reason no. 1,
We keep our last name:
The bridegroom has the privilege of providing this last name to the newly family. The man keeps his last name and the woman gives her last name. How about that:
“You open hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing”. Psalm 145:16.
In aid of charity work:
• Donate books, computers, clothes, shoes, sanitary pads, school equipment, teaching materials and related stuff.
• Become a foster parent
• Provide scholarships to needy children.
• Help build a slum school for needy, orphaned and children affected by HIV / AIDS and child labor.
• Proceeds in aid of charity work setting up and running wisdom nest primary school a project of Wisdom nest community education programme-( WINCEP).
:any enquiries, ring Susan +254722814081 or email: Wincep: registered charity no. 12015.




Life in the SLUM VILLAGE of Soweto. Mesmerizing poverty, magnetic hospitality and a sad humbling exprience of neglected people and places. Soweto slums are located in Kayole Estate, Embakasi Division,Nairobi East District in Nairobi,Kenya. A few kilometers away from East and Central Africa’s premier air hub, the magnificent and Lov-able Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, the gateway to sub-sahara Africa. Soweto is 15 kilometers East of Nairobi city center.

The origin of the name Soweto is south African. Soweto is an acronym of South Western Town of South Africa during the apartheid era, widely known today as Soweto township.

The Kenyan Soweto slum village was started in 1976 by construction labourers working at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport. It was at this time that the infamous Soweto uprising of 16th June 1976 took place in south Africa and the Kenyan airport labourers borrowed the South Africa name Soweto for their new slum.

Due to airport security concerns,Soweto slum was relocated in 1980 to an adjacent piece of land owned by the Kenya army,Embakasi army baracks to be precise.

The slum grew rapidly and this development didn’t amuse concerned army generals. The slum had to be relocated for the second time. In 1989,the slum was relocated across the Ngong River, by the government, to an adjacent public piece of land through a resettlement scheme established for slum dwellers.

Soweto has a tired pale old look. Rusty tin huts, mud huts and a few stone walled houses, dot the slum’s landscape. The standard size of a hut is an area (space) of ten square feet. The hut’s floor is made of dirt.

Soweto slum is heavily congested with tiny huts mercilessly encroaching on every inch of available land. Even river banks have not be spared either. Each hut accommodates an average family of seven, excluding visiting relatives.

The streets are narrow, rough, eneven, unpaved, dusty and horribly muddy, in the rainy season. Raw sewage runs down the dirty streets as heaps of uncollected garbage greet visitors. Soweto streets are friendly , safe and peaceful during the day. Since there is no street lighting, it is not safe to walk the streets during the night.

The slum villages air is highly polluted and is likely to choke you like interminable serpents of smoke from factory chimneys of an Industrial landscape.
Soweto slum is unplanned, hugely under-developed, neglected, marginalized and extremely poor. Unpleasant feelings of object poverty hit you like a thunderbolt, once you set foot in this hospitable urban slum.

The slum has no running water, no sanitation and health facilities, no public schools, no sewer line nor does it receive any kind of local government services.
And yet Soweto is still alive and kicking energetically, despite a seemingly endless journey into a world of untold poverty.

The groans of old lowly sloping tin roofs, an ever speeding wind raising dust in its wake, crying hungry children, and heavy footsteps of despair, add to the already unbearable levels of noise pollution.

The streets are teeming with humanity. Hawkers, passers by, idlers, out of school children , streets people and donkey cats, all competing for space on the narrow streets. The slum is home to a population of around one hundred thousand people.

The people are proud, friendly, hardworking and peaceful. They are trapped in a ceaseless cycle of poverty due to lack of jobs. They are unemployable due to lack of trade skills. Trade skills training opportunity is not available to a Soweto youth because there are no polytechnics here nor can he attend one outside this slum due to lack of money.

The majority live under a dollar a day which they struggle to make. They earn their living through hawking, menial jobs, prostitution, brewing and selling illicit alcoholic drinks, pushing illicit drugs, crime and tiny businesses. Only a few are lucky to have lowly paying government and corporate sector jobs.

Because their parents are illiterate and poor, Soweto children can not take advantage of the government free education program due to lack of money.

The cost of mandatory school uniform parents, feeding and shelter are a major burden to parents. To enroll in a public primary school, a slum child needs school uniform and money for school expenses.

The demand for public school places is cutthroat and expensive because demand is higher than supply. The slum child can not complete. The option for the slum child is to join closer to home informal education centers. Slum based education centers will ask for school fees. Pupils without scholarships will opt for child labour as they drop out of school.

Poverty denies schooling to girls, thereby contributing to discrimination and oppression of the girl child.

As children from poor families enrolled grow older, the opportunity cost becomes greater, thus increasing the likelihood of abandoning school. Dropping out of school because of poverty virtually guarantees perpetuation of the cycle of poverty.

Therefore, lack of education perpetuates poverty, and poverty constraints access to schooling.

- End of article one of four on Soweto slums-

Help pay for a slum child education:
To sponsor a Soweto Child’s education, please get in touch with Susan of Wisdom Nest Primary School, email:
To learn more about the school visit:

Susan can also organize a tour of Soweto slums for you. Consider yourself invited, i.e, an invited guest of WINCEP.
Thanks for your time and visit.
Article source:

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Compassion Run Project Proposal

Project Title: Compassion Run

Proposer: Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme

Address: P.O.BOX 9377-00100,

Contact: Run Chairman Tel: 0724 13 04 46

Director Tel: 0722 81 40 81


Location: Soweto slums-Kayole

Savannah sub-location

Umoja location

Embakasi Division

Embakasi Constituency

Nairobi East District

Nairobi Province


Amount Requested: Kshs 525,867.50/= i.e. (USD 6,919.30)

Event Date: 10th July 2010

Proposal Dated: 10th December 2009

Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme (WINCEP) is proposing to establish the first annual run in Kayole’s Soweto slums, to take advantage of an exploited gap in Embakasi Division running/athletics, discover new talent and raise funds for community development activities.

The event has considerable growth potential which arises from the Divisions’ high population, demographic changes in urban slums/centers and the huge untapped raw running talent in urban slums waiting for an opportunity to show case their prowess.

This annual run opens the prospect of establishing a successful annual Cross Country meet which promises immense social benefits for the children, youth, community and sponsors.

The event management will consist of professional athletics manager and technical advisor with direct experience of developing and managing cross country events in Kenya. The concept is for a six race event, set and staged in Kayole where competition is currently non-existent and where we are the dominant athletics event.

WINCEP plans to raise Kshs 525,867.50 i.e. (USD 6,919.30) to enable her stage the run on 10th July 2010. This amount will cover the entire run budget thus ensuring a successful community event.

Therefore, we wish to take this opportunity to request you kindly to sponsor this unique project financially or in kind.

Sponsors Benefit:

1. We are offering our sponsor;
• Free Brand promotion. Give us logistical support and your product promotion materials and we shall do free promotion for you two months ahead and up to the actual event day.
2. A platform to;
a) Market, promote and advertise your Brands to the people of Embakasi Division
b) Exercise your Social Responsibility obligations
c) Meet and Recruit new customers
d) Interact and bond with your current and future customers
e) Sell your products at the events’ venue
f) Free publicity

3. Value for money through proper usage of funds, accounting, transparency and zero tolerance to corruption.

Social Benefits:
a) Raise funds for community development activities focusing on needy slum children educational infrastructure at Wisdom Nest Primary School initially but expand the number of beneficially slum schools overtime (as the event grows).
b) Provide education to needy slum children from extremely poor families and households, single parents, children affected by HIV/AIDS and orphans.
c) Help to discover, grow and nature slum based athletics talent.
d) Check crime associated with youth idleness by introducing athletics to occupy most of their free time
e) Peace building through sporting activity
f) Introduction of running as a career option for talented slum youths
g) We expect jobless youths to participate and benefit from opportunities emanating from this project either economically or health wise.
h) Reduced crime levels
i) Social economic development that shall be beneficial to the community.


Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme (WINCEP) is a self help organization located in Kayole’s Soweto slums, Savannah sub-location, Umoja location, Embakasi Division, Nairobi East District.

WINCEP was formed in 1998 by a group of women and a few men brought together by a merry-go-round weekly meeting. Currently the group has thirty members with three quarters of this membership being women.

WINCEP as active programs currently going on:

a) Wisdom Nest Primary School;
This is a full primary school catering for educational needs of needy slum children. There were 407 pupils and 13 teachers at the close of 2009 school year.

b) A school feeding program which is meant to entice enrollment and keep destitute slum/street children in school.

c) A partnership with Kenya Women Finance Trust that enables our female members’ access credit facilities for small income generating activities.

d) The Compassion Run Project;
This is our new project that is meant to help us raise funds for our programs and at the same time help our community youths discover their running talents.

Soweto slums are composed of squatter communities who have been resettled here by the government from various places and backgrounds. Residents are poor, hungry and majority is hopeless. All Kenyan tribes and a few people from East African countries reside here.

Project Objectives
a) Introduce running/athletics to our community which is currently non-existent.
b) Create a plat form for our children and youths to discover and develop their running talent.
c) Engage and occupy our children and youths free time positively by exposing them to the potentially lucrative world of athletics
d) Promote peace using this sporting event
e) Raise funds to support our community development activities


To create, organize and stage a successful annual cross country athletics event in an urban slum setting.

Have at least one product (athlete) from this project representing Kenya at the Olympics before 2020.

What we proposal to do;
Stage an annual run (which shall eventually culminate into a fully pledged cross country event) to discover, grow and nature slum based running talent and raise funds for our community development activities.

How we propose to do it;
We shall have an eight races event with each race focusing on different category of people or teams. This is the races card;

a) 8 KM primary school girls race
b) 8 KM primary school boys race
c) 10 Km secondary schools race
d) 10 KM secondary schools race
e) 10 KM ladies race
f) 10 KM men race
g) 10 KM corporate sponsored teams race
h) 5 KM Pre-school, invited guests and elderly peoples race.

Where we propose to do it;
We propose to stage the event in the streets of Kayole’s Soweto slums and the surrounding neighborhood. The events’ immediate catchment area comprises of Soweto slums, Kayole Estate, Komarock Estate, Umoja, Donholm, Embakasi village and Matopeni.

When we propose to do it;
• Every 2nd Saturday of July each year.
The event is therefore on 10th July 2010.

Why we shall succeed;
• We are currently the first and only event of this kind in a densely populated Kayole Estate and its environs.
• We are working with all stakeholders including the government and community opinion leaders in order to win wide support for this event
• We shall be transparent and accountable to our sponsors for every sponsor ship cent we receive
• We are mobilizing primary and secondary schools head teachers and youth groups to send teams to participate and compete for honors
• We are inviting corporate sector players and other organizations to participate through sending their own teams and also via sponsoring the event
• We shall give awards to winning individuals and teams to interest (entice) and encourage future participation
• The youths will embrace this opportunity to show case their running talent and thus their support.

What we need to enable us to carry out the plan;
a) Kshs 525,867.50 i.e. (USD 6,919.30)
b) Event sponsors
c) Voluntary human resource
The Budget Breakdown:

Individual Winner’s Cash Awards
Position Primary Secondary Seniors Total
Girls Boys Girls Boys Ladies Men
1 1000 1000 1500 1500 5000 5000 15,000
2 500 500 750 750 2500 2500 7,500
3 300 300 400 400 2000 2000 5,400
4 200 200 300 300 1000 1000 3,000
5 100 100 200 200 500 500 1,600
Total 2,100 2,100 3,150 3,150 11,000 11,000 32,500

Total individual winners cash awards in Kshs 32,500

Winning Schools Teams Cash Awards:
Primary girls………. Kshs 3000
Primary boys………. Kshs 3000
Secondary girls………. Kshs 5000
Secondary boys……… Kshs 5000
Total Kshs 16,000 Kshs 16,000
Cash Awards Total…………………………………………. Kshs 48,500

Resource needed to enable us Stage the Run:

1) Main Budget:
Event Marketing materials…………………………………………… 200,000.00
a) Winners cash awards………………………………………….. 48,500.00
b) Winning teams trophies……………………………………….. 66,000.00
Refreshments………………………………………………………….. 20,000.00
a) emergencies van hire…………………………………………... 30,000.00
b) Purchase 3 supervision bicycles @ 15,000 each……………45,000.00
Public address system hire…………………………………………….. 15,000.00
Hire professional Run manager/technical advisor…………………….. 30,000.00
Contingency 10%...........................................49,367.50
Total Event Budget…………………………………………… Kshs 525,867.50
USD 6919.30

2) Donations in kind:
1. Branded T-shirts designed and printed with the message; Compassion Run 2010 at the front (chest position) and your brand colors, message or logo or both placed at a position of your choice on the T-shirt.
2. First Aid kits
3. Stopwatches
4. Digital Video Camera
5. Computer, Printer and a Scanner
6. Advertising space
7. Event Publicity
8. Technical support/assistance
9. Volunteers
10. Bottled Water
11. Gifts for school children-biscuits, sweets, glucose, exercise books, pens, etc, and sanitary towels for upper primary and secondary school girls.
12. Guest Tents

The title sponsorship fee is Kshs 525,867.50, i.e. (USD 6919.30)

• . This amount will help the management meet the cost of organizing and staging the event successfully.
• We shall accept any sponsorship amount you choose to donate in support of this project.
• Support need not be in cash only, we accept sponsorship in kind.

Help Raise Funds:
The target for the run is to raise Kshs 1,000,000 (USD 13,156.894). These funds will be used to purchase a plot for Wisdom Nest Primary School in Soweto slums on which modern standard classrooms will be built to make our classrooms spacious and therefore friendly to learners and teachers.

a) Fund Raising Competition; Corporate teams, NGOs, Churches, Colleges, School teams and individuals who raise the highest amount of money will earn awards in form of (Compassion Trophies) for recognition.

b)Run Registration Fees; -Slums Primary Schools Teams Kshs 500, -Public and Private Schools Teams Kshs 1000, -Corporate and NGO sponsored Teams Kshs 10,000 i.e.(USD 132) -Pupils from slum schools Kshs 20, -Pupils from Public and Private schools Kshs 50, -Secondary school students Kshs 100
-Slum dwellers (men and women) Kshs 100,
-International individual participants USD 15
-Kenyan established athletes (men and women) Kshs 500

c) Request for Donations-
The school needs to purchase a plot, build classrooms and a sanitation block. Your donations will be highly appreciated.

Institutional Capacity:
WINCEP Management Board-(9 members):
1. Bishop J.B. Muchanga…………………………………...Chairman
2. Mrs Susan Njeri………………………………………….Director
3. Head teacher-Wisdom Nest Primary School…………….Secretary
4. Mrs Margaret Sadji………………………………………Treasurer
5. Pastor Andrew Manyeki…………………………………Technical Advisor
6. Steve Wanjie-Founder WINCEP………………………...Chair-Compassion Run
7. Mr. D.W. Mwangi………………………………………..Comm. Opinion Leader
8. Naomi Kwamboka……………………………………….Women Representative
9. Mrs Lucy Luvanda……………………………………….Advisor/social worker
Compassion Run Management Team (5)
50 Volunteers
13 Teachers

Accounting Capacity:
Account Name…………………Wisdom Nest Primary School
A/C No…………………………0120100302176
Bank……………………………Equity Bank
City…………………………….Nairobi, Kenya

Sponsorship Request:

May we take this opportunity to request you to sponsor this project in any way you may choose or deem appropriate!

Invitation to participate:

May we take this opportunity to officially invite you to participate in this Run Event?
International participants should email their participation request at so that we can send you invitation Letters to visit Kenya.