Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sponsor a Child in Kenya

A Community Education Lesson on: Sponsor a Child in Kenya

Have you ever come face to face with real poverty?

A crying, hungry, naked, sickly child with house flies hovering all over her running nose and dirty face, have you?

Poverty is a terrible thing because it robs its victim’s human dignity, hope for the future, education, peace and all forms of security.

I speak with authority because I have worked with and for children in poverty situations all my adult life in the slums of Soweto, Kayole Estate Nairobi Kenya.

I see children walk half naked, barefoot and hungry every day because these children happen to have been born into poverty stricken urban slums area families.

No child chose to be born into poverty. And no child gets to choose their parents. To be born into poverty or into riches is by pure chance. The child has nothing to with it.

But you the luck one blessed with the good things in life such as wealth and money and on top of it all, a good education, can surely afford to do something for that crying, hungry, naked, sickly child with house flies hovering all over her running nose and dirty face.

How can a poverty stricken child find hope for a better future?

The answer to this question lye’s with child education sponsorship.

Sponsor A Child in Kenya With Wisdom Nest Primary School :

Wisdom Nest Primary School is a needy child education learning center.

The school sponsors orphans, poverty stricken children, children rescued from child labor, the girl child and children affected by Hiv/aids.

The school has 400 students of age 3 to late teens.

All our students come from Kayole-Soweto slums in Nairobi Kenya. These children are living under stressful poverty conditions and are in need of scholarships.

Sponsor a Kenyan Slum Child :

Sponsor a needy child, orphan or a child rescued from child labor at Wisdom Nest Primary School today.

You will receive child background history, quarterly academic performance reports, letters from the child and growing up photos once every year.

You will be allowed regular communication with the child’s parent or guardian and you can visit the child’s home whenever you like.

Your love and encouragement will bring hope to a child that will last a life time.

Choose To Sponsor a Child in Kenya :

To sponsor a Kenyan child with Wisdom Nest Primary School you need to choose a sponsorship program from the following:

a) School Fees Sponsorship Program:

The school fees sponsorship program is just $10 a month. This pays for tuition.

b) School Feeding Program : Children are provided with hot lunch. This costs just $10 a month.

c) Child Upkeep Support Program:

The minimum cost is $10. You can give more in order to keep the child as comfortable as is possible.

This pays for school uniform, shoes, shoe polish, soap, textbooks, pen, food at home, medical care, birth day presents, and savings for high school and college education.

The parent or guardian gets to do the budgeting for the child’s upkeep requirements and Wisdom Nest does the shopping.

A Sponsor’s Benefit :

Here you get to deal with the child, parent and the school directly without have to go through third parties.

You will be sure your sponsorship funds are reaching the intended beneficiary in the same amount you sent or intended to reach the child or his/her family.

Help Break a Cycle of Poverty :

Sponsor a child in Kenya with Wisdom Nest Primary School and help break a family’s cycle of poverty.

Please choose Wisdom Nest Primary School as your partner in sponsoring a child from Kenya.

Contact us today.

Why you should become a child sponsor, is the next article.

This school depends on your timely support in order to keep these needy children in school. You are welcome to make a donation of you choosing and we say thank you in advance for you kindness. Please donate now:

Thank you for visiting my website.

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Needy children pictures.

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