Saturday, July 3, 2010

Why you should become a Child Education Sponsor

Community Education Lesson: Why you should sponsor a poor child’s education.

Did you know that it is possible to make a difference to individual lives through child education sponsorship?

There are children who are desperate to go to school but unable to pay the tuition fees.

Urban slums children are in this category of very poor individuals desperate to go to school but due to dehumanizing poverty they have no chance of ever seeing the inside of a class room.

A child who has never had a hot meal, new clothes, a pair of shoes or toys to play with knows that education can get them out of their poverty predicament but lack of money won’t allow it because the parent or guardian are paupers.

Make a Difference as a Child Education Sponsor:

Education provides a poor urban slums child’s best hope for the life of promise she has been denied by poverty to date.

Your support for a child’s school fees will transform not just the child’s’ life, but the life’s and hopes of a whole family.

Child sponsorship not only provides an education, it also provides some of the joys of childhood to children who due to poverty couldn’t have normal child up bringing.

You can make a lasting difference today by sponsoring a needy child.

Child sponsorship allows you to sponsor a child (in a poverty situation) until the child becomes self sufficient.

What does child sponsorship mean?

This means contributing finances to support the education, health, food, clothing, shelter and security of a child you have chosen to sponsor.

Child education sponsoring gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you made a great difference in someone who need help and you were there to offer it.

Why you should become a Child Education Sponsor was the topic today.


Thanks for your visit.


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