Saturday, July 10, 2010

How to amass great wealth

A Community Education Lesson on: amassing wealth

The secret to amassing great wealth is knowing how to make your money work for you.

a) Master the art of making your money work for you!

b) Become an employer.

Majority of people who become employers are rich and wealthy because they have discovered the secret behind wealth creation.

And the secret behind wealth creation is; know how to make your money work for you.

Therefore, the first employee that you should ever employ to work for you is your money.

Money is the best employee you can ever have because money will follow your instruction to the letter without asking any questions, for clarifications or explanations.

Money will do exactly what it is told do.

Money will attract even more money if instructed intelligently.

Any amount of money can make you rich and wealth because it is how you put your money to work for you that matters.

Make your money work for you creatively and innovatively so that the money in your possession makes more money for you.

Have a Money Making Mentality :

Ensure that every dollar that leaves your pocket is going out to fetch more dollars for you.

If you have a dollar in your pocket find a way of multiplying that one dollar into $10 before you can think of spending it.

Your motto should be :“before spending I shall multiply it”.

Spend Money To Save Time :

To become rich, wealth and famous you need to spend money to save time.

Remember this; “poor people spend time to save money while the rich spend money to save time”.

Time is everything and you need it to grow rich and wealthy.

To save and manage your time efficiently you need to make your money work for you.

Money is the best tool for saving time you will ever find.

The rich understand that money can be created as needed, whereas time is a precious commodity that is in short supply.

Shorten the time to complete money making tasks by hiring competent labor or machines.

Taking 2 days to do a job that would otherwise cost you an affordable hire that will do it in half a day is a good example of not being time conscious. This can’t make you very rich.

Saving money is a good financial habit, but, in this case, you will lack enough creative energy when your work is done to work on those things that could make you rich.

To Amass Great Wealth You Must Hire Others To Do Things For You:

The rich and wealthy have learnt how to hire others to do things for them to free up their time to make more money.

Ever heard of the saying “time is money”?

To amass great wealth you must understand that time is the-secret weapon to riches-and that money is the tool that helps you save and manage your time.

View Money as an Idea :

Learn to view money as an idea, not as an object.

When you start treating money as an idea your mind will start thinking on ways to utilize this idea to make wealth.

Otherwise what do you do with an idea?

Never focus on how to keep your money; focus on how to make it work for you to create wealth.

Be Generous With Your Wealth :

a) Focus on helping the needy especially children living in poverty.

b) Provide products and services that will amass wealth for you and be beneficial to the society. When you help create jobs, products and services, you create wealth that impacts generously to the society.

The other secret to amass wealth is that you must work hard at being creative, because creativity is the key to amassing great wealth.

Ask one American creative giant Bill Gates.

He will tell you that being creative pays big time.

Believe In Yourself :

The stronger you believe in yourself, the greater your accomplishments.

Passion to accomplish something emanates from self believe.

Start On Your Project Now :

Do not wait until things are perfect to get started. The best time to start is now, and the best place to do it is here.

A youthful Kenyan member of parliament started his real estate business from a public street phone booth.

Yes his first office was a street phone booth in Nairobi city center.

He is a multi-millionaire today. His name is Honorable Cyrus Jirongo.

Avoid Idleness :

Avoid idleness at any cost.

Idle people can never grow rich.

Start on something small and grow it passionately.

Don’t wait to be employed :

Employ yourself by starting something, anything that can earn you some money.

You must engage yourself in some economic activity.

Just like you; your money should never be idle either.

It should be making more money for you or helping a needy child somewhere.

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