Friday, July 23, 2010

What a Children's Charity Actually Does

Author: Jeremy Smith

We have all seen the appeals from charities asking us to help
support the world's poorest children. They ask for our money,
our time and our compassion. But can we be sure these charities
put our donations to good use? Do their good intentions lead to
worthwhile actions? If they are Christian charities, do they
truly follow and share Christ's message of love and hope?

There are a number of charities, big and small, dedicated to
helping children in need. The challenge they face is immense.
Nearly half the world's 2.2 billion children are living in
poverty to some degree. One in three children in developing
nations lacks adequate shelter, one in five has no access to
clean water, and one in seven lacks health care.

Tragically, every day 24,000 children die because of poverty.

The fact is that, without the efforts of the respected <a
">Children's charities</a>, many more would die,
and thousands, possibly millions more would lack basic
amenities. The work of these organizations, supported by
donations, offers a glimmer of hope in the poorest countries.
Thanks to the major children's charities, millions of
once-desperate babies and children are now nourished and
supplied with safe water and shelter. They have access to health
care such as lifesaving immunizations and anti-malarial

Children helped by these charities also receive access to
education. With this gift comes hope. The child, for example,
may go on to be trained to do important work, which will in turn
benefit their community. With education comes the possibility
not only to escape poverty, but also the opportunity to train as
a teacher or doctor and help generations to come.

Of course, providing such support is a huge task. This is why a
children's charity working in the developing world must have the
highest standards of integrity and responsibility. Not only do
supporters need to know that their money is well spent, the
communities where the charities work must trust that their
children are being given the best and most appropriate support.

Thankfully, would-be donors can easily check to ensure that a
children's charity is worthy of their support. And thankfully,
too, the best charities are seeing positive results through
programs that ensure the best possible future for the world's
poorest children. One such successful program is child
sponsorship, in which a sponsor is matched to a specific child
with the aim of providing ongoing financial support.

The sponsor sends a fixed amount to the charity every month, and
the chosen child receives the benefits of regular nourishment,
safe water, health care and access to education. Because the
sponsor and child can communicate through letters, photographs
and progress reports, a strong bond is soon created - no matter
how great the geographical distance is between them.

Other excellent charity programs may focus mainly on prenatal
and infant care, or on building schools or hospitals. What is
essential is that the charity is in it for the long haul. There
are no quick fixes for poverty - only dedication and

Christian children's charities also offer an additional pillar
of support: the knowledge of God's love. Children helped by
Christian charities are thus given not only the physical
necessities they need, but spiritual nourishment, too.

About the author:
The author is a freelance journalist who writes regularly on the
work of <a
">Children's charities</a> and christian
ministries. She also sponsors a child.


Wisdom Nest Primary school depends on your timely support in order to keep these needy children in school. You are welcome to make a donation of you choosing and we say thank you in advance for you kindness. Please donate now:

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