Saturday, July 17, 2010

Christian Charity - Making a Difference in Some of the Poorest Parts of the World

Author: Jeremy Smith

In many parts of the world, people struggle to survive without
even the most basic necessities. They have little or no food or
shelter, contaminated drinking water, and no access to medical
care. Sadly, millions die every year because of sheer, brutal
poverty. Too many of these are children, who are the most
vulnerable to the ravages of starvation and disease.

According to UNICEF, 1.4 million children die annually from
illnesses caused by lack of safe drinking water and basic
sanitation. More than 2 million children die every year because
they are not immunized against preventable diseases. Overall,
nearly half of the world's 2.2 billion children live in poverty
to some degree. The areas where children are most in need
include Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda in Africa; India and the
Philippines in Asia; Haiti and Honduras in Central America and
the Caribbean; and Ecuador and Bolivia in South America.

Some children in poverty suffer due to war or drought. Others
are victims of disease, including the AIDS pandemic. Then there
are children who have lost their homes and families because of a
sudden, terrible upheaval like the earthquake in Haiti. All are
affected by disasters that are no fault of their own. Many
children also face abuse and exploitation. They all desperately
need to know they are not alone or forgotten.

Thankfully, a number of caring Christian charities travel to the
world's poorest countries to offer both practical assistance and
solace. They follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, to love thy
neighbor and to "help the least of thy brethren." In their work,
they have the generous support of millions of church groups and
individuals from across the Western world. These charities are
dedicated to helping those most in need regardless of the
conditions they find themselves in. While some are geared to
providing emergency assistance, others offer more long-term

All such Christian charities contribute toward making a
difference in some of the poorest parts of the world. What's
important is that they do their work with integrity and
responsibility. Their supporters and the poverty-stricken
children they pledge to help deserve nothing less.

Examples of <a
">Christian charity</a> projects with proven,
lasting benefits in poor communities include building wells to
provide clean water, and building schools and hospitals. It is
impossible to understate the value of medical workers and
teachers in camps and villages and the specialized equipment
they need.

Doctors, nurses and health workers not only help save the sick,
they also help prevent deaths through immunization programs.
Teachers provide education that brings real hope to children in
poor communities.

Social projects initiated by Christian charities can make a
difference in a community as well. Women in particular suffer
disrespect and ill treatment in many impoverished countries.
Christian charities often work to foster fair treatment of women
and children.

Another effective long-term program involves sponsorship of
individual children, ensuring that they have not only basic
necessities, but a "hand of friendship" stretching across the
world. A real bond grows between sponsor and child as they
exchange letters, photos and news. Love and compassion in all
ways are the watchwords, and the best Christian charities pledge
to provide spiritual nourishment as well as material assistance.
Through their efforts, they make an immense difference in the
lives of the world's poorest, restoring hope above all else.

About the author:
The author is a freelance journalist who writes regularly on the
work of <a
">Christian charity</a> organizations around the
world. She also sponsors a child.


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