Friday, January 30, 2009


Did you know that lack of education perpetuates poverty, and poverty constraints access to schooling?

Kenya falling short: Soweto slum villages, kayole estate, Nairobi, Kenya.

a) Widespread poverty in Slum Villages and informal settlement affects both student’s performance and their ability to attend school.

b) The effects of poverty is such that poor children face a lot of adversity, it is near impossible for a significant number of them to afford school uniform or materials such as notebooks and pencils.

Education and Exclusion in Soweto Slum Villages:

a) Despite the introduction of free primary education in 2003 by the Kenya Government, a significant number of children in Soweto Slum Villages are still unable to realize their right to education due to inadequate number of schools, learning materials, overcrowding and insufficient teaching staff.

b) Although 2.4 million children joined primary school with the introduction of free primary education, about 1.6 million remain excluded. Majority of the excluded come from such places like Soweto Slum Villages.

c) A significant number of these children live in Kenya’s slum Village where almost no public schools have been built for the past 15 years, Soweto Slum Village have no public primary schools. Period.

d) It is estimated that up to 48% of school age children are out of school in slum villages and informal settlements.

Since public investment in basic education remains unacceptably low and non-existence in majority of the slums and informal settlement areas, what happens to slum villages children need of education?

Non-public schools play a critical role in providing basic education services, particularly in slums and informal settlements.

Without public investment in basic education in Slum Villages, non-public schools step in to fill the gap but these schools lack adequate finances to invest in infrastructure and learning materials.

Non-public schools suffer from the same poverty that continues to ravage slum communities. Poverty affects the quality of education offered by non-public schools in slum villages and without government intervention, these slum based schools will continue to suffer from financial deficiency and thus compromising a child right to quality basic education.

Non-public schools in slums are friendly to their pupils, don’t ask for school uniforms, they are easy to enroll and are located in the slums, a familia environment.

Despite the hardships, non-public schools have realized successes and are very useful to slum villages education system.

For more information visit :

End of article no. 3 of 4 on Soweto Slum Villages. Watch out for article no. 4 next week.

ARTICLE SOURCE : Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme (WINCEP):

Read interesting stuff below. These extras shall come on a weekly basis.


Sex is one of the most powerful, beautiful gifts God has given us.

Sex is about relationship and discovery, trust and pleasure, values and decisions.

Sex is Life.

a) Sex and sexual attraction are God’s invention.

b) Sex is designed to happen between married people. Making love celebrates the commitment of marriage. It is the cherry on the cake, not the cake itself.

c) Sex is about becoming one in body, but also on in soul.

Sex is more than skin on skin. Its heart joining heart.

Sex is an emotional and spiritual glue designed by God to bind a man and woman together for life.

d) Therefore, Sex is meant to be shame-free. Sex should bring joy and peace, not fear and shame.


Success in business lies in knowing when to invest.

­ Taking a loan or using your savings to invest in business is not bad.
However, you must know when to invest to make the best returns and, when to wait and / or borrow in order to do so.

For better management of your business, it is not advisable to secure more than one Loan at a time.


A weekly bite on food concerns.

Topic : Hungry, Sickly and Penniless:-

This is January 2009. Ten Million Kenya ***** Kenyans are hungry and severely malnourished.

Welcome to Kiambiti Location in Maragua district, a forgotten rural Kenya, where women and children have long continued to suffer in times of calamities.

Children are to weak to walk, thus no going to school and are dying of starvation. Even the dogs cannot bark at strangers because of hunger.

The rains have failed and there is no money. People hare depend on agriculture. Chicken pens are empty and the few goats and sheep that they had have since be sold.

Children faces are white and the clothes are tattered and stained as house flies are doing rounds around their mouths and running noses.

Amidst this biting hunger and poverty, high ranking politicians and civil servants continue to enrich themselves with stolen tax payers money.

President Kibaki has declared famine is a National Disaster.

My Cry: Stop Food Wastage.

Priceless Wisdom:

“ What is bought is cheaper than a gift. ”
-------Portuguese Proverb.--------


That Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.

That Snow-Capped Kibo, is the highest peak on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

That Mt. Kilimanjaro is over 19,000 meters above sea level.

That Mawenzi Peak is often free of ice glaciers.

That Mt. Kilimanjaro was a part of Kenya before the arrival of Europeans.


Every woman is beautiful in her own special way.

Beautiful flowers come in different colours, shapes, sizes, scent and demeanor, just like women.

Without women, the would be a very unhappy ugly and boring place. They are highly intelligent and influential but I still think that Man is happier than Woman.

Over 40 reasons available. You will get one reason every week, please keep in touch.
Reason no. 2;

The garage is all ours.

……………………. Debate ………………………..


“ For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20.


• Donate books, computers, clothes, shoes, sanitary pads, school equipments, teaching material and related stuff.

• Become a foster parent.

• Provide scholarship to needy children.

• Help build a slum school for needy children, orphans and children rescued from child labor.

• Proceeds in aid of charity work setting up and running WISDOM NEST PRIMARY SCHOOL – a project of Wisdom Nest Community Education Programme – (WINCEP).

Any enquiries ring Susan +254 722 814 081 or e-mail:

-------- Wincep : Registered charity no. 12015.

Thanks for your visit and time.

See your next time.


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